Friday, December 19, 2008

Who gets acne?

From a medical standpoint, one who gets acne has a combination of factors working in concert. Two or more factors can cause a condition based on the anatomy and physiology of the skin itself to promote an inflammatory response that we call acne.

The factors include:

# Increased oil – either production by the sebaceous glands or added (in makeup etc.)
# Retention Keratosis - skin cells that are not shed properly and plug sebaceous ducts
# Trapped bacteria under the skin’s surface – normally present and harmless as they are on the surface.

By and large, genetics can play a part in acne in that our genetic blueprint does influence thickness of skin, oily tendencies of the skin and basic hormone responses. However, just because one’s parent or another family member has acne, does not necessarily mean that you or I will have acne.

It most often occurs in the teenage years, but may appear a few days after birth. This is more often related to increased activity in the hormone processes within the skin. Older persons can develop adult acne, sometimes from different causes. Still basic factors of plugging an oil gland result in the development of an inflammatory process.

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